Schedule of Services

23rd March, “Still Re-Writing the Story”
30th March, Meeting Cancelled
Welcome … we are glad you found us.
Spirit of Life Unitarian Fellowship is a warm and welcoming congregation made up of people from all walks of life, religious beliefs, political views, sexual orientations, ages, races, economic backgrounds, and abilities.We welcome you into our community of caring, learning, spiritual exploration, and action for the greater good. We are located in Kirribilli, NSW Australia,just across the harbour bridge from the Sydney Central Business District.
Where To Find Us

Visitors are always welcome. We meet every Sunday from 10.30-11.30am, except the second Sunday of the month.
The Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre*
16-18 Fitzroy Street
Kirribilli, NSW
*The Centre is just a 5 minute walk from the Milson’s Point train station…the first stop over the Sydney Harbour Bridge.