Rev. Rex A..E. Hunt presided ove our ‘Flower Communion”, an adaptation of the ceremony invented by Norbert Capek.
The full service can be read by clicking here.
Rev. Rex A..E. Hunt presided ove our ‘Flower Communion”, an adaptation of the ceremony invented by Norbert Capek.
The full service can be read by clicking here.
By Gabrielle Donovan
Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We live out these Principles within a “living tradition” of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from sources as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and personal experience. “The Principles are not dogma or doctrine, but rather a guide for those of us who choose to join and participate in Unitarian Universalist religious communities.”
The complete talk can be read by clicking here.
A number of pieces of music are referred to in the talk, and these can be played by clicking on their tiltles.
The word ‘faith” occurs frequently in the Bible and in hymns, but it is frequently misunderstood and mis-used. It is the cause of much confusion in religion and life, particularly in Biblical interpretation. All too often it is used as a synonym for “belief”. Many people seem to confuse the two words and use them interchangeably. Although belief is a pre-requisite for faith, to believe something and to have faith in something involve quite different approaches to it. What do we mean when we use the word ‘faith”?
This is a talk by the Rev Geoff Usher and can be read here.
The Genesis concept of having “dominion” over all that lives and moves on earth has created problems. It is of course a human concept, based on human words which tried to express an answer to the question of the origin of human existence. However, it has helped to foster the attitude that “dominion” includes a right to exploit the earth’s resources with no thoughts for the future; to take all we can get, now, because we are entitled to it. In this attitude the exploiters succumb to the “Great Sin” of pride.
This comes from a talk by the Rev Geoff Usher. You can read the complete talk here
The Rev Rex A E Hunt gave a Zoom Service for the Unitarian Churches in Australia and New Zealand on the 19th Jun 2022.
Those who were not able to attend, can read this interesting service by clicking here.