By Rev. Eric Stephenson on the 31st March, 2013.
Finding meaning in this weekend presents an unbeliever with a number of problems. I have already suggested that we dispense with an examination of the pagan ones. They are mostly grounded in various forms of nature worship; you can still decide whether you will enjoy an “Easter” sunrise observance even if it did originate with the pagan god, Baal. And like some modern pagans, you can still choose to deny yourself goodies during Lent even though there is no historically Christian reason to support its observance. And by all means let us do a pagan Anglo-Saxon Spring Festival but not till September. The real problem arises from the fact that according to Tacitus and Josephus there is only one historical event in the life of Jesus of Nazareth which we can be sure of,. It is that he died.
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