The Rev Rex A E Hunt gave a Zoom Service for the Unitarian Churches in Australia and New Zealand on the 19th Jun 2022.
Those who were not able to attend, can read this interesting service by clicking here.
Reader Interactions
As Secretary of Spirit of Life Unitarian Fellowship, I have given special attention to this address in advertising by email. Good response – people waxing lyrical about it!
Thanks, Jan. Such a refreshing perspective, completely outside all the niggling anxieties of one’s own self, and communing in a whole different world beyond … but in the present moment. It feels very invigorating!
Janice+Tendys says
As Secretary of Spirit of Life Unitarian Fellowship, I have given special attention to this address in advertising by email. Good response – people waxing lyrical about it!
Elizabeth Hinton says
Thanks, Jan. Such a refreshing perspective, completely outside all the niggling anxieties of one’s own self, and communing in a whole different world beyond … but in the present moment. It feels very invigorating!