What is it that we do most as Unitarians? Within our denomination different congregations have different concerns, different emphases, different programmes and activities.
This sermon was delivered by Rev. Geoffrey R. Usher at the Spirit of Life service on Sunday 22 September 2013. The full text can be read here.
Greetings All,
Worship as the common denominator is indeed true as to what Unitarians do together. It is that timed shared where, as individuals and as a group, people called Unitarian expand their minds, link and entwine souls, meet with the Creator (on whatever level they feel connection), and find ways to engage within various communities showing respect for Creation. This might mean that collectively a petition is signed upholding the rights of a particular group or banning a company that misuses its workers. It might mean writing letters to political leaders to save whales from murder. It might mean coming together in singing songs of praise for all life, or enjoying quiet retreats which involve the contemplation on “deep and meaningful” works.
One other key word I would link with what Unitarians do comes from what I knew of that denomination in Sydney from the age of 4: it is that they respect each other’s beliefs and journeys, and do not force any particular style of being Unitarian onto another. The shared journey is part of the adventure experienced in worship as Unitarians. It differing styles and foci within the one group help each individual grow through learning one from another, without the parameters found within denominations within the main stream. Worship and respect should surely bind Unitarians together.