This was a talk given at the Spirit of Life Unitarian Fellowship in 2014
by Geoffrey R. Usher.
Many people are looking seriously for a religious home that is right for them. Why? One reason is that, in the middle of the most technologically advanced civilisation we have ever known, many people feel terribly lonely.
We have lots of people around us. There are lots of institutions, organisations, clubs and causes of all kinds asking for our attention, our support, our involvement. There is plenty of information, and plenty
of means of communication. We have access to more news and chatter of all kinds than any other generation has ever had in the whole history of humankind.
The problem is that what we hear, so often, is only chatter, chatter, chatter.
Chatter – without meaning.
Chatter – without real concern.
Chatter – without depth.
Chatter – without appreciation for any ultimate purposes.
Chatter – without connection to any sources of quiet strength or calm or purposefulness.
Chatter – without relevance to anything that rises above what might be discussed on a Wednesday morning talk show.
To read the rest of this talk click here.
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